Souls Sold

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Monday -- Boo

Even though I'm not employed, I still hate Mondays. Especially the Monday after a lazy weekend. I feel so sluggish and blah that all I want to do is lie on the couch and take care of this headache I have. Allergies. I hate them so. Even when it's 107 degrees outside and everything is practically dead BECAUSE it has BEEN over 100 degrees for God knows how long, my allergies are still bad and giving me a headache.

Of course, it could be the hyperthyroid making me feel crappy, who knows?

Other than complaining about how I feel and the weather, I have an update on the book I'm currently reading to (amateurishly) review: "Fractured Time" by Alan Draven.

I've only just finished chapter sixteen, but I can tell this is going to be one of the best books I've read in a long time. Alan sure does know how to write mystery, thriller, and horror. So far, he's used all the key elements for each genre. I'm very much enjoying it and already recommend it to those who like this type of book (mystery/thriller/horror with an "old style" feel to it), I just wish I could read more than a few chapters at a time, but I just can NOT read a PDF on my computer for very long I'm discovering. If only you could put a file like that on your iPhone. Maybe you can? If you can, and if any stumbling readers know how, please leave this brainless technophobe a comment.

I think I'm going to go lie down for a few minutes to try and make this headache go away. I'd like to read more of the aforementioned book, and then write some more for my own three books I'm working on, which means I have to feel well. They are:

-- Dancing with Dragonflies (a YA fantasy)
-- Unnamed Vampire Horror (with real horror, no vampire love interests, and no sparklepires)
-- Unnamed Vampire Romance (this one DOES have a vampire love interest (or two), but no "I love humans, so I don't eat them." It should be a blast)

So far, my favorite is Dancing with Dragonflies. But that's because I'm already 36 (8x11) pages into that one ;-)

Happy Monday, everyone.

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